Let Food be Your Medicine

Resetting Gut Issues

Having issues with your gut such as
-Acid reflux or heartburn
-Constant bloating, belching, or gases?
-Stomach discomfort
Managing these conditions requires an in-depth understanding of your gut and what you can do to optimize it.
We will help you
-Understand your gut and its functions
-The gut-brain connection
-Gut and energy levels
-Foods that destroy your gut
-Natural remedies for healing your gut
-Lifestyle modifications to keep your gut clean

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Customized nutrition Guides and Meal Plans

You are unique and you deserve a meal plan that addresses your health goals, preferences, dietary restrictions, and cultural background.
We’ll work together to create a personalized meal that ensures a delicious and nutritious meal plan that optimizes health. Our nutrition guides and meal plans are
-Weaning guides
-Meal plan for toddlers
-Meal plan to heal your gut
-Weight loss meal plan
-Meal plan for children with autism and ADHD
-Meals to manage type 2 diabetes

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Cohort-Based Wellness Program

Every quarter, we have a wellness program to help you understand your body better, foods that promote healing, lifestyle diseases, and weight loss.

My online group coaching programs offer a space to connect with other health enthusiasts on a similar journey.

Share experiences, ask questions, and celebrate each other’s victories in a motivating and encouraging environment.
It includes
– Weekly live learning sessions with Q & A
– A community with other like-minded people
– Weekly Meal plans
– Goals and challenges to conquer each week
– Accountability and support

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  • Virtual nutrition services
  • Personalized coaching services
  • Wellness programs for longevity
  • Reset your gut
  • Improve a lifestyle condition
  • Get healthy; lose the excess weight