Our Story

Which Food is the Best

You know the feeling of being bombarded with too much nutrition information – from breakfast is the most important meal of the day to fasting, to low fat, high fat and all that goes there in. It can be confusing especially when you are trying to lose weight, improve your health or just feed your family right.

That was me, Beth, drowning in information overload as I tried to lose my post partum weight and adopt a healthy lifestyle. I realized, besides being overweight, I had believed enough lies around what we should eat, how much we should eat and most of the things around a proper human nutrition.

My Journey to Discovery
My search led to more learning and enrolling for a nutrition course. But if I would be honest, school provides just a little knowledge. Learning and applying these things gives the best results. I tried different approaches and
Beth Waweru

From Hobby to Passion

What started as a way to reclaim my health blossomed into a full-time mission.

Witnessing the transformations of my clients who struggled like I did fueled my passion.

Seeing the bellies shrink, gut health improve, and energy levels increase filled my heart with joy.

More Than Just Weight Loss

I quickly realized it wasn’t just about the numbers on the scale. It was about reclaiming our bodies, mental health, and fitness.

I also noted, besides weight gain, there were many other health challenges and conditions caused by poor food quality and unhealthy lifestyle e.g. gut issues, lifestyle diseases, skin conditions etc.

That begun my journey of sharing helpful content surrounding nutrition, wellness, and a healthy lifestyle.

The goal is thriving, quality, and happier lives

That’s why my approach is holistic, focusing on well-being from the inside out.

Your Transformation Awaits

Imagine waking up with the energy to complete your to-do list.

Imagine feeling confident in your own skin, rocking that dress you haven’t worn in years.

Imagine healing your gut and saying bye to acid reflux, bloating, indigestion, ulcers, or even IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)

Imagine reversing a lifestyle condition that you’ve battled with for years and not having to take medication on a daily basis?

Imagine improving your mental health and saying no anxiety, mood swings, and irritability?

That’s the power of quality food and a healthy lifestyle.

And that’s the transformation I help you achieve!

Join the Serene Community!

You’re not alone in this journey. My community of empowered individuals is here to support you every step of the way.

We share tips, celebrate victories, and overcome challenges together.

Let’s create a life where we can fulfill our responsibilities with joy, not just survive them.